maanantai 11. helmikuuta 2013


I'd though to make a lil post, not much special, but still.
Trying to stay here hahah.
Been pretty busy, all the school stuff, new schedule + some parties, you know, basic.
But the thing I really wanted to write 'bout was the lil pottery class we had last period.
It was super fun!
We were moulding these ceramic bowls, bottles, mugs and all!
Was just thinking that I should maybe post some pics how the whole process went (:
I made these little desert bowls, they still need the glaze and then they'll be done.
I'm gonna have to order it myself, since I want a specific colour, guess which ;))
If I'll have time this period I will make some latte mugs, 
they'll be adorable,
I swear :3
This period we have our first "display work"
(I really don't know how else to put it, fail)
where we need to show what we've learned these past months.
It's a toy car.
A car.
Not just a car, but a truck.
And it has to have a lil vibe from fifties.
Low and long it is then hahahah.
I wasn't excited at first, since I don't know s**t about cars,
but when I found some pics, oh man.
Count me in. :3
We have some particular guidelines what's it gotta be made off, but otherwise pretty much free hands!
It's a long design process, phase by phase and it's gonna include
sketching, modelling, presentational drawing, technical drawing and of course the lorry itself.
I think I'm not that far from a good mark on this one (;
Some modelling work from urethane.
(It's this crappy floury plastic [google the s**t] and my lungs are full of it's dust!)
I have some time off next week, so I could post more of pics and alllll.
That's it for now, you'll get more laters!
C ya.

EDIT: Forgot to say; I'm doing this photo a day challenge on Instagram, check it out if you like!

torstai 10. tammikuuta 2013


Oh ****.
I forgot what I promised umm half year ago? :D
Seriously, all this new stuff gets me all busybusybusy.
But hey, happy new year!
It's gonna rock like ****, I can feel it.
And I'm really gonna try write here more often and also read stuff.
I know I know, I said it before, but this time I'm gonna really try my best.
School's been kicking ass (suprisesuprise) and I'm learning new stuff all the time.
The people are crazy+amazing and well, needless to say 
the student life has taken over me completely (:
We've had many parties and the spirit's good.
It's a good vibe and a good lil change that I kinda needed.
The purple addiction is still here and it's pretty much staying!
Hahah, love it too much aye!
What elseeee.. Umm yeah, when I get something proper physical done at school
I'll post it, sure (:
I should do a lil recap of the Vans Warped Tour UK trip, but it was such a while ago!
Best days of my life tho.
This winter has been pretty freaking beautiful, I should go and take some photos.
Been pretty absent for the cam too, poor boy.
I'm gonna promise to take more care of him too :3
That's all I guess? :D
See ya!
(Sooner than in the summer, promise)

lauantai 11. elokuuta 2012

New Beginnings!

So yeah. Maybe someone's noticed.
Haven't written here in ages and since that lots has changed.
Decided I'd start fresh here too since I have pretty much started all from beginning already last week!
It's been amazing. I'm happy I had the courage to do this.
It's just that little step after which you know you can do what the fuck you ever want.
Pardon my choise in words, but that's just how it goes.
I'm gonna start writing here more often. About all and nothing.
Post pics like allways. And try not to be so absent.
You'll see how upside down everything has gone haha (;
But it's only for better.


keskiviikko 11. huhtikuuta 2012


Hahahaha. Long time no see. Again. And yeah. You read right.
Me pretty happy is.
And no, not medicated or anything like that.
Had an pretty bloody awesome Easter!
On Friday Sez came over, and we had a game over.. In the meaning that we played on my pink monster.
For bit too long. Got carried away (abitjusthehehe) til freakin 4AM.
That wasn't such a good idea, since right on Saturday we were supposed to go and see theFallen play at Backstage Bar. But we just needed to get trough this one level and well..
Then I couldn't get the controller out of Sez hands ::::::D
So I decided to just watch and in the end I ended up bored and doing shit funny jokes.
Or we were just way too tired and everything was funneeee.
Ffffuck yeah, finally I didn't miss out on them when they were over!!
Hahaha, am a jerk I knooooow.
But the guys seriously kick ass live. It was greeaat evening full of dorkiness and well, booze.
I took way too many photos! And I bought the album from the boys and it's basically not even out yet!
Haha, lucky meh!
"Bury Your Demons" is gonna be out on May 1st and you can preorder it here.
You should cuz really if you like rock n roll you'll be very satisfied. ;3
So on Sunday I went to see The Blanko :3
One of the best live bands I've ever known.
They had a 5month creative break and soon they'll be off to studio!
Can't wait for new stuff cuz the little sneek peek we had was awesomeeeeee. :3
I thought I'd post some instas and pics from weekenddd to the end (:
And yes my phone is working again and apparently there was nothing wrong with it in the first place?
My iPhone hates me? Or the other way around?
Anyway, picture timeeeeee!

I finally got stuff sorted with my hair! (But this was like two weeks ago hehe..)

We also had a lil party I forgot to mention! Also two weeks ago :P


Sez dragged me out for our every-half-a-year-Rosso-pizza. Nyom.

Nice sitting with theese chaps!

Cutest lil birdies I've ever seen haha! (notmypic)

The Dirty Triple XXX is finally in Fin! So I won't have to move to UK after all! Haha ;D

My pile of Zombies that I "grew" to space on PvZ.

Got this in the mail last week! Woopwoop!

Sum sallan nomnom.

I'm a bunny, hi.

Camilla d'Errico - Yuuta, I totally fell in love with her :3

Mah Easter table. Tadaa?

Gaming Cokes on Fri.

Somersby on Sat.

I'm not addicted!! Where did you get that from..

On our way to the store before evening with theFallen.

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012
theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

theFallen @ Green Room//Bar Backstage 07.04.2012

The Blanko @ Bar Loose 08.04.2012

The Blanko @ Bar Loose 08.04.2012

The Blanko @ Bar Loose 08.04.2012

Of course I needed to Insta a bit on the gig.. The Blanko @ Bar Loose 08.04.2012

On Monday it was still a day off, so I wen't to Birdies place to eat some Chinese(nomnomnom) and play Left4Dead (:

And this is gorgeous me this mornin.. Yupp.
That's all folks!
See ya again in ummm... 3weeks? (: